15 signs you are iron deficient

15 Signs You Are Iron Deficient: Iron Deficiency Alert

What is Iron Deficiency?

Anemia or Iron deficiency is one of the widespread troubles that can negatively affect your health if ignored. Iron deficiency is a state in which there are inadequate amounts of the element to form hemoglobin which is the protein in the red blood cells that acts as an oxygen carrier. This can result in different health complications including general body achilities and weakness, up to more serious conditions such as anemia. Knowledge of the 15 signs you are iron deficient is vital in order to be able to start the right treatment at the right time.

Causes of Iron Deficiency

Absence of iron can be achieved by a couple of components, including:

  • Inadequate dietary intake: Poor dieting – particularly being short of foods that contain iron.
  • Increased iron needs: Iron needs may rise due to pregnancy, menstrual periods, and growth phases like adolescence or even infancy.
  • Chronic blood loss: Some of the illnesses that can be attributed to the use of NSAID include ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, and heavy menstrual periods.
  • Malabsorption: Problems with the assimilation of iron containing products that are latently arising from intestinal disorders such as celiac diseases.

Above mentioned are the common causes of 15 signs you are iron deficient.

Who All Can Be Suffering from Iron Deficiency?

Anyone can develop iron deficiency, but certain groups are more at risk:

  • Women: Especially the ladies who are pregnant or having their monthly period.
  • Infants and children: Thus it is because of rapid growth and higher requirement of iron in their diet.
  • Vegetarians and vegans: Who do not or are unable to include sufficient amounts of foods or supplements rich in iron into their diets.
  • Elderly individuals: Who may experience a decrease in absorption and intake of iron.

Which Age Group is Particularly Vulnerable to Iron Deficiency?

Iron deficiency is particularly common among:

  • Infants and toddlers: This is as a result of rapid growth, and high iron requirements in the body of the growing child.
  • Teenagers: Particularly the girls, this due to menstruation and growth developments.
  • Women of childbearing age: Because of menstrual blood loss and pregnancy.
  • Older adults: To whom may have certain restrictions in diets and a decrease in the percentage of utilization of nutrients.

Why Women Need Iron And Why They Are More Vulnerable To Iron Deficiency?

Females are overrepresented in developing IDA primarily through the loss of iron during menstruation. It should also be understood that the daily requirement for iron increases during Pregnancy since the substance is vital for the formation of the fetus and the blood volume. Iron is imperative for women’s health; deficiency in iron results in anemic conditions such as anemia caused by iron deficiency. Hence, females must pay close attention to the 15 signs you are iron deficient.

The 15 signs you are iron deficient 

Being aware of the 15 signs you are iron deficient you will be in a position to get a treatment that will be effective. Here are the signs:  

  • Fatigue: Among the most prominent symptoms of iron deficiency, one of the most evident is always being tired. Lack of iron in the body’s system also slows down the levels of energy it is able to produce. 
  • Pale Skin: A second symptom which indicates you may need iron is if you are pale. The lack of enough hemoglobin in the blood makes the skin lose its pigmentation and look less red, and this is why we turn pale when we are sick or anemic. 
  • Shortness of Breath: Well, if you get easily out of breath, there might be something wrong with your stamina or you may be deficient in Iron. Your muscles and organs can have a difficult time receiving oxygen and moving it throughout the body. 
  • Dizziness: One of the early signs experienced by those who are marked by iron deficiency might be frequent dizziness or actual feeling of lightheadedness, as your brain will not receive enough oxygen. 
  • Headaches: Headaches are also caused by iron deficiency because when there is reduced blood supply, there is increased swelling within the blood vessels that is in the brain region. 
  • Cold Hands and Feet: This is common in cases where a person suffers from iron deficiency anemia thus if you always find your hands and feet cold, then this could also be a pointer towards low iron levels in the body. 
  • Brittle Nails: If you have poor quality nails that are brittle, you are likely to be an Iron-deficient person. 
  • Cravings for Non-Food Substances: Sometime, health problems like these eating disorders can be a sign that you are low in iron; they are commonly referred to as pica. 
  • Sore or Swollen Tongue: Sore tongue is another symptom that indicates that one may be having the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. 
  • Frequent Infections: Lack of the essential mineral can compromise your immunity levels hence often getting sick. 
  • Restless Leg Syndrome: Frequently experiencing the urge to move your legs, particularly at night, could mean low levels of iron. 
  • Hair Loss: Lack of hair also points to possible iron deficiency since iron promotes hair growth and strength. 
  • Heart Palpitations: If you are iron deficient, it is easy to feel heartbeats or palpitations simply because your heart is going to have to work doubly hard to move oxygen.
  • Difficulty Concentrating: If you are having a hard time paying attention or concentrating could be indicative of anemia because the brain requires oxygen to run efficiently. 
  • Irritability: That is why, even slight changes in mood, or more specifically, irritation could be associated with the lack of iron. 

These 15 signs you are iron deficient are the most common and depends to person to person.

Is there a way that vegetarians can deal with their iron-poor diets without turning to non-vegetarian foods? 

Yes, vegetarians can overcome iron deficiency with careful dietary planning and the inclusion of iron-rich plant foods. If being a vegetarian you found in yourseld these 15 signs you are iron deficient then include these in your diet such as:

  • Legumes: Meat of lentils, chickpea and beans. 
  • Nuts and Seeds: Pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds and cashew nuts. 
  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are the most common, or let me put it this way, are those known by most people. 
  • Fortified Foods: Cereals, bread and any plant derived milk such as soy milk , almond milk or other types of milk. 
  • Dried Fruits: The government should buy the following fruits: Apricots, raisins, and prunes. 

What Foods Can One Take at Home to Cure 15 signs you are iron deficient?

To overcome the 15 Signs You Are Iron Deficient, try these dietary remedies:

  • Increase Iron Intake: Loads up on Iron foods such as lean meats, poultry, fish, dried beans, peas, and cereals that are necessarily fortified. 
  • Vitamin C: Some nutrients like vitamin C improve the absorption of iron and you can obtain this vitamin by consuming foods like oranges, strawberries, and bell peppers. 
  • Avoid Inhibitors: It is advisable to also avoid taking meals with coffee, tea or dairy as these substances decrease the absorption of iron. 

Increasing vitamin C intake can help enhance the ability of the body to effectively absorb iron. 

If you have identified the 15 signs you are iron deficient then while taking food items containing iron, it is advisable to take them with citrus juice or other foods rich in Vitamin C to facilitate absorption by your body. Citrus juices contain vitamin C which helps the body to absorb iron from other foods such as Beef more easily. 

 Foods rich in vitamin C include:

  •  Broccoli 
  •  Grapefruit 
  •  Kiwi 
  •  Peppers 
  •  Strawberries 
  •  Tangerines 
  •  Leafy greens 
  •  Melons 
  •  Oranges
  •  Tomatoes 

Recommended Daily Intake 

According to the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA): 

  • Men (19-50 years): The subjects’ basal iron intake was 8 mg/day. 
  • Women (19-50 years): Hg: 18 mg/day 
  • Pregnant Women: 27 mg/day 
  • Postmenopausal Women: 8 mg/day 

Supplements for 15 signs you are iron deficient

Vegetarian Supplements:

  • Ferrous sulfate: A world’s best selling iron supplement.
  • Iron glycinate: Tasty and pleasant on the stomach while at the same time richest in iron.

Non-Vegetarian Supplements:

  • Heme iron polypeptide: Of animal origin – is one of the most bioavailable forms of this trace element.
  • Iron bisglycinate: The other readily assimilative form of iron.

You can find these supplements on various global platforms like Amazon or health stores:

Ferrous Sulfate

Iron Glycinate

Heme Iron Polypeptide

Iron Bisglycinate

When to Consult a Doctor

If one has a supervisory job and comes across any of the 15 signs you are iron deficient, one should visit a doctor for diagnosis and further management. This is particularly important if you are suffering from serious symptoms including chest pain, fast breathing or dizziness and lethargy. Blood tests can be carried out by your doctor in order to establish if there is a deficiency in iron and whether there are any remedies such as prescription iron supplements or any other treatment that you need to take.

With the knowledge of the 15 signs you are iron deficient, one can now take the necessary steps to deal with the causes and ways of treating the condition, as well as the ways of preventing the condition to occur always.

A Quick Recap 15 signs you are iron deficient

As we have seen, identifying the 15 signs you are iron deficient is important so that the condition is treated in the earliest time possible. Anemia as a result of iron deficiency is one of the most prevalent nutritional deficiencies that can affect a person and lead to health complications if ignored. Thus, knowing the causative factors, the signs and symptoms, and practicing the preventive measure from diet to supplement, it is possible to control and conquer the iron-deficiency.

Groups of people more susceptible to deficiency are women, infants, children, vegetarians, and elderly people, and it is crucial to provide their bodies with this mineral to remain healthy. A positive way to deal with the above 15 signs you are iron deficient is to make changes to one’s diet, use home remedies, or supplement when they detect the aspect. In case of any continued 15 signs you are iron deficient or a worsening of symptoms, seeking medical advice from a healthcare provider for the right diagnosis and management is recommended to enhance proper health.

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